Plagiarism Checker
PagesMeter’s plagiarism checker detects plagiarism in your text, checks for other writing issues, and helps you build citations
Free Plagiarism Checker
Enter text into plagiarism detection tool
We make it simple. Just copy and paste all content from your document into our plagiarism checker and hit the ‘Check Plagiarism’ button to get started.
Evaluate text for plagiarism
Our plagiarism detection tool uses DeepSearch™ Technology to identify any content throughout your document that might be plagiarized. We identify plagiarized content by running the text through three steps:
Contextual Analysis
Fuzzy Matching
Conditional Scoring
Accurate plagiarism results
After evaluating the text against billions of internet sources, you will be provided with a plagiarism score showing the percentage of text that is an exact or near-match to existing text online.
Resolve plagiarism risk and use citations
Our ColorGrade™ feedback feature highlights exact matches vs. near-exact or “fuzzy” matches with corresponding colors. From there, you can resolve plagiarism issues by deleting or altering the at-risk copy. Or, you can use our handy “Cite Source” feature to generate citations in MLA, APA, and Chicago formats and insert the citations directly into your document.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is plagiarism?
What percentage of a paper can be plagiarized (or copied) and still be considered unique?
What’s the difference between deliberate and accidental plagiarism?
- Incorrectly citing another person’s works
- Failing to paraphrase another person’s works - even when citing it correctly
- Reusing your own previous papers and inadvertently representing it as a new idea
What are the consequences of plagiarism?
Plagiarism consequences for students
Maintaining academic integrity is a top priority for every educational institution. As already mentioned, ignorance of how to properly cite sources is not an excuse for plagiarism. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure they are submitting work that has not been plagiarized.
Failure to do so can result in disciplinary action, including an automatic failed grade, removal from a class, or expulsion from a school or university. Students who are allowed to continue at their institution following an act of plagiarism may encounter mistrust and additional scrutiny from teachers and instructors.
Plagiarism consequences for copywriters
Copywriters stake their reputation (and by extension, that of their client or company) on their writing. All copywriters must produce completely original content for their clients.
The consequences for plagiarism here are clear: Copywriters who plagiarize the content of others will quickly find it difficult to obtain paying assignments. Similar to academic situations, it is the copywriter’s own responsibility to ensure that their content is 100% original.
Plagiarism consequences for journalists
Journalists are held to exceptionally high standards of integrity in their writing. A journalist who produces plagiarized content jeopardizes the trust of their readers and publishers. Plagiarism can instantly reduce a journalist’s career by a large margin. The ethical and legal standards issued to journalists are clear: Produce original, well-cited content or find another field.